Sunday 21 March 2010

Bottle pictures of my newest polishes

Here are a number of bottle pics of polishes i recently bought. the above one is £2 in primark. i like the shade of purple :). Never tried one of their polishes before but i'm a big fan of their makeup so i though i'd try it out. It's also UV but i have no way of testing that when i swatch it. Which i will soon

These are 3 miss sporty 'clubbing colours' and they are apparently quick dry. £3.98 for the 3 in Superdrug (buy two get one free). They do have names but the names aren't written on the bottle :(. I've used a miss sporty before and i was quite impressed with it. SO i look forward to trying these.

£2 from claire's. I do apologise for the terrible photo. Its actually a turquoise glitter in clear polish. I bought this because i'm a massive fan of greens. Plus i think in many occasions glitter topcoats work well.

These are both beauty uk. 99p each on a half price sale. The first one is called red. It's reddy pinky glitter and coloured glitter in clear from what i can tell. The second one is green with blue glitter in that doesn't show up in the photo.

Happy polishing times are ahead :)


  1. Impressed with the Beauty UK ones, didn't expect them to have such interesting colours. I've been wondering what the Miss Sporty ones would be like, seeing as you're impressed I will have to try some out.

    I think I have that turquoise glitter one from claire's! xxx

  2. i liked the beauty uk! not tried them out yet but i like the colours.
    and i like the miss sporty that i have tried. it's quite similar to misa bare feet and ball gowns. may have to do a comparision swatch.
    look forward to trying the new ones :)
